Friday, November 28, 2008

Feedback from Students via Journals

Journals area a wonderful way for students to share what they feel and think about a topic. They feel comfortable knowing that I'll keep this information between the student and myself. Students are always eager to get their journals back to read the comments I made on their entries. For one of their entries I asked students to write how they felt about being in the FT Program and what skills were being improved if any. Below are some of their responses in their own words including errors.

Student, Boy:
I like fast track because it help me read better. I think that fast Track helps a lot of kids. I’m better at writing because Fast Track help me. It make me feal better because I now how to read more.

Student, Girl:
I like fasttrack because I learn to wrighi beter. Fasttrack has helped me to lern more.

Student, Boy:
I like fast Track because it help me read better. I think that fast Track helps a lot of kids. I’m better at writing because Fast Track help me. It make me feal better because I now how to read more.

Most of the students said they liked the Fast Track Program and their skills in reading, writing, and spelling were improving. I was glad to know some of the students self esteem improved as they result of increased reading abilities.

1 comment:

LothLorien Stewart said...

I've been doing a pretty bad job with journals this year. I have them, we used them at the beginning of the year and now I'm having a very hard time finding time for them. This is a good reminder of how important they are. Thanks!